Winning as a Small Business Owner in Regina with Professional Development

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and discouraged as a small business owner in Regina? Has it robbed you of your passion for a project that you were working on, or cheated you out of an opportunity to deliver a superior customer-experience to a client?  

It is then, where I believe professional development can be the antidote for your dilemma.

Self-care has been at the forefront of many conversations lately. Self-care activities that positively satisfy one’s mental, emotional and physical health can vary greatly from one person to the next—but—it is important to note that this concept can also be applied to a person’s line of work.

Focusing on yourself as a small business owner in Regina and your business through professional development can help you win. It is inspiring, refreshing and a great way to discover new trends and potential skill sets that will further your business.

During the month of October, I was able to attend not one, but two conferences that surrounded professional development. One of these was the two-day CAMP Festival in Calgary that targeted creative professionals. The other, was the Honest Conference in Regina and targeted local entrepreneurs. Both were great in their own way and helped fill my cup up again as a small business owner in Regina.

I love, LOVE taking in cool new trends, people and businesses alike in the creative industry and entrepreneurial sector. It is uplifting to hear stories and see people “kill it” in their line of business.

Now, I understand that professional development can take many forms, and I also learn new skills through other channels such as: online and digital courses. As well, I read the odd book related to my industry—but— as a solopreneur, sometimes, it is a breath of fresh air to get out of the house, which is why I invest annually in conferences that force me to experience different surroundings, groups of people and themes. This year, I also went to Fuze 2019 in Saskatoon, which was a first for me.

At the beginning of 2019, I vowed I would focus on professional development for the year, and I feel that I have been true to that promise. As a result, I have felt restored at different times throughout the year which has allowed me to have forward momentum at times when I would normally fade out.


My clients have been able to reap the rewards of the added inspiration and extra knowledge.

So, there you have it! Step away from your work for a day, or two and invest your time into professional development that will help propel your business forward, which in turn, will ultimately make you feel like a winner.

If your company or organization needs some further guidance on how to win with professional development, or just want to reach out to another small business and talk shop, contact me. I would LOVE to chat business owner to business owner. Call at 306.502.5778 or send me a line here.
